Szkoła Mat-Fiz

Design, Online

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Building a brand by developing
a logo and identification

The Mat-Fiz School is a new brand on the educational market that educates and further trains students in mathematics and physics at intermediate and advanced levels. The Mat-Fiz School prepares high school students for the Matura exam and supports science students in developing competencies. The motivating approach to each student sets them apart from others.

The motto of the brand:
“I will teach you how to make your dreams come true. I will show that man is constantly becoming wiser. I will show you how to turn discouragement and failure into learning and the desire to acquire knowledge. I will help you achieve your goals.
We’ll do it together!”

Colorful design – a cheerful palette of colors suggests that we are dealing with a friendly matter that is not deadly serious, difficult, or boring. On the contrary, it is fascinating, interesting, and full of puzzles. In the branding, we used graphic elements associated with blocks, Rubik’s cube, or popular games such as Tetris. These symbols refer to playing, organizing things, discovering new knowledge, and building new skills. In the case of this brand, the target groups are children and their parents, as well as older pupils and students who are already looking for support in the tutoring market. We tried to ensure that this branding had a chance to reach each of these groups through a unique combination of creativity, fun, and education.

Range of activities:
logo design
visual identification
website design and implementation (in development)

Wide Vision proposed a multifunctional identification that can be flexibly developed and used in the future. Use it like building blocks to build individual brand elements. This is an example of creative branding whose possibilities are endless. More on WideBlog