For Wide Vision, it is another important project in the area of water management. Working with experts, we organized and conducted a nationwide social campaign “Stop the Flood.” Its main goal was to reach as many recipients as possible with information about the project. As part of the information and promotional activities, the agency carried out information, educational, and promotional activities of the project. Due to the epidemic situation, substantive conferences and consultation meetings were conducted in a new online formula developed together with the Client.
Wide Vision’s scope of activities:
- name, logo and visual identification of the project
- PR activities – contact with the media, preparation of content for the media and for the website, training and preparation of experts for contact with the media, media monitoring, media purchase, and organization of press conferences and briefings
- social media – development of content and graphics about the project for the client’s Facebook and LinkedIn profiles
- expert and B2C communication (to the whole society)
- outdoor campaign with a mural design competition
- organization and conduct of the public consultation process – 30 consultation meetings, keeping a table of comments and conclusions
- design / creation – graphic designs of brochures, leaflets and graphics for social media
- film and TV spot: link
- graphic design, implementation and maintenance of the website:
- carrying out educational activities and developing an animation – an educational film about floods: link and online games
- recording of 13 educational videos with the project ambassador Karol Wójcicki: link
- reporting
The effects of Wide Vision’s activities:
The social campaign “Stop the Flood” contributed to the increase of public awareness of the flood risk and actions that should be implemented to protect the population. The agency carried out numerous promotional campaigns aimed at very diverse recipients. In addition to local government units, non-governmental organizations and the population directly at risk of flooding, which participated in social consultations and conferences in great numbers, the campaign also reached children and youth – we created educational videos, an online game and a mural.